Monday, April 30, 2007

David Lachapelle
-amazing photographer, i could learn alot about fashion and advertising photoshoots

-creative music, i bet they would be a blast to spend the day with

New York
-i <3 NY

Michael Collins
-glad those days are over

-keepin tabs with highschool friends

Not I
-but did do winter guard for two seasons

The Fountain
-has everything a fantasmazing movie should have

Here in your arms
-nothing deep, just enjoy the music


-ac, good mpg, excellent stero system for a standard.


Princess Banter said...

Awww -- enjoy the remainder of school, but enjoy the afterwards bit even more ;)

Gabriella said...

enjoyed reading your "answers". Good thing I already knew the "questions". Check mine out!

Chic Geek said...

princess banter you seem to atleast know who i am because i have mentioned nothing of school, yet you know its almost over...

care to reveal some kind of identity..?

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Thanks for participating, man! I'm glad you did.

mark said...

so that was hard to read