Wednesday, September 27, 2006

on the side of the road

Today on the way home from school, i get a flat. on I-4. so im on the side of the road, the side with the fast lane, changing my tire. the tire was completly FLAT. there was no way i could even limp it home. it was about 2 miles from my house too. and the spare is alot smaller than the rest of the tires, so it looks kinda funny. ugh i was soooo MAD!! i ran over a screw that someone had managed to throw in the road! i had to jump on the crow bar to get the lug nuts loose, luckily it was the front drivers side so i had some protection from traffic, but i would have liked to have seen what i looked like kicking the tire. oh and when i got home i kicked it alot more. it was kinda funny looking back at it now. just not then. well i have to cut it short, cause im supposed to be studing i have another exam at 5. ehhhhh...