Thursday, July 20, 2006

piercing, as in a new one

yep thats right, i finaly did it. silver hoop with a aball in the left cartilege about 3/4 of the way up. i was so nervous. but it only hurt when she poked me with the needle, before it broke the skin. i didnt even feel it go through. ewww that sounds gross. the 'how to care for your piercing' paper says it can take 6 to 12 months to heal! thats a really long time for something to heal. hahahaha im laughing at myself now. cause my dad said nothing until i asked and hes just glad its not a tattoo. for now. lol. mother said she is fine with it, but they were both shocked to see that i did it.

so how shocked are you?


Michele @ crazyfordesign said...

Well, I am not shocked. I have a brother-in-law that has two. :) But, since you got the single one, I'm glad it was in the left ear. In my day, the other ear meant something I don't agree with. :)

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I'm not surprised either. That's cool that your parents didn't give you a hard time about it.

Gabriella said...

well I figured it was coming any day now....I mean c'mon your 18 and graduated....whats next? LOL...Ha HA HA!!! My husband has its nothing foreign to me. So you got a while to heal up..well have fun. And make sure you use the solutions they gave you to clean your ear.
At least you got it in your ear and not in your tongue...because we wouldn't be able to understand you. And if you got one in your nose...imagine having to sneeze and not having your nose ring in....imagine the snot flying out. eewww thats gross. But anywhoo can't wait to see it!
Have a Spiffalicious Day!

Chic Geek said...

yeah the right ear still means that. and shannon asked what was next too. lol.

Gabriella said...

you should tell her knee extentions are next!!! Because you wanna be taller

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I never imagined someone blowing their nose with a peircing hole in it! Gross!!!

Chic Geek said...

the reason was 'cause i wanted to. lol. no there was no real reason behind it.

tufrthnails said...

Don't worry Man I have both ears peirced and suprisingly I can still get my hoops through. And two Tattoos. Although I like my Tattoos I would definitely make sure that I was sure the tattoo I wanted was really what I wanted on my body forever