Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007


12.30am Justin receives a phone call from the Visa Fraud Deterrent Department (or something along those lines). After verifying the identity of Justin the man on the phone tells Justin that two suspicious orders were placed on his card that morning on ebay around 9am, at which time Justin was in the shower. The charges total was around $140. A block was placed on the card and the transactions have yet to show up on Justin's online bank statement. The only thing left is for Justin to do is to bring this occurance to the credit union's attention, replace the card, and change the pin and every password on every thing.

ps- talking in 3rd person is kinda fun

Sunday, May 27, 2007

post secret

needs to post the new sunday secrets!!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

shades of blue

im feeling down, a slight depression

but its when im feeling blue that im feelin' the glue

and inks and paints and sharpies too

sad and creative go hand and hand

meaningful art, no 'its pretty's here

the sadder the deeper the creativer

suffer for art i must

sing to me in shades of blue

Monday, April 30, 2007

David Lachapelle
-amazing photographer, i could learn alot about fashion and advertising photoshoots

-creative music, i bet they would be a blast to spend the day with

New York
-i <3 NY

Michael Collins
-glad those days are over

-keepin tabs with highschool friends

Not I
-but did do winter guard for two seasons

The Fountain
-has everything a fantasmazing movie should have

Here in your arms
-nothing deep, just enjoy the music


-ac, good mpg, excellent stero system for a standard.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

two weeks

only two weeks left of school! woot!